Karottengries grob 1-3 mm (2,5 kg)
Karottengries grob 1-3 mm (2,5 kg)
Preview: Karottengries grob 1-3 mm (2,5 kg)
Preview: Karottengries grob 1-3 mm (2,5 kg)
Karottengries grob 1-3 mm (2,5 kg)
Mobile Preview: Karottengries grob 1-3 mm (2,5 kg)
Mobile Preview: Karottengries grob 1-3 mm (2,5 kg)

Karottengries grob 1-3 mm (2,5 kg)

Product No.:
ca. 3-4 days ca. 3-4 days (abroad may vary)
2.52 kg per piece
28,89 EUR
11,56 EUR per kg

incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs

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