HS EukaMintol - drinking water supplement made from high-quality essential oils
EukaMintol is a liquid feed supplement made from high-quality ingredients. It is an active ingredient formulation of eucalyptus and peppermint oil extracts. These naturally occurring essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Studies have shown that the airways are cleared of mucus, allowing you to breathe freely again.
EukaMintol can be administered via the drinking water or atomised in the stable using a nebuliser.
EukaMintol is suitable for all animal species (e.g. chickens, birds, pigeons, rabbits).
The use of essential oils in animal husbandry is known for its many positive effects on the well-being of the animal and the climate in the stable.
- Facilitates breathing and increases well-being
- Can help to strengthen the immune system
- Stimulates appetite & regulates the intestines
- Hygienising effect on the drinking water
- Positive effect on the stable air and the stable climate
Recommended use via drinking water: 1 stroke (2ml) per 10 litres of water. This means that one bottle of EukaMintol is sufficient for approx. 1,250 litres of drinking water!
We recommend administering EukaMintol 3 times a week.
Recommended use for nebulisation: To improve the climate in the stable
EukaMintol can be nebulised with 1 stroke (2ml) to 2 litres of water.
The dispenser pump (2ml stroke) enables simple and precise dosing.
Note: EukaMintol is a feedstuff and can have positive effects on various factors. However, it is not a substitute for medication or a vet.