Loisachtaler Dog Food - Quality from Kochel am See

The Loisachtaler brand stands for the highest quality dog food and relies on 100% natural ingredients. Produced in Kochel am See, Loisachtaler uses only fresh meat approved for human consumption (food grade).
- Natural Ingredients: Loisachtaler consistently avoids preservatives, chemical additives, flavor enhancers, binders, formed meat, animal and bone meals, slaughterhouse waste, added fats, flavorings, plant and grain meals, genetically modified ingredients, foreign proteins, sugar additives, and attractants.
- Highest Quality: The meat used comes exclusively from EU-approved slaughterhouses and is under strict veterinary supervision.
- Gentle Processing: Gentle processing preserves the natural nutrients, making the food particularly digestible and tasty.
Loisachtaler Dog Food offers your dog a healthy and natural diet free from any artificial additives. Trust in the quality and experience of Loisachtaler – for the well-being of your four-legged friend.
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