SC 90 drops - Prevention of worm infestation
For the prevention of worm infestation
Exempted medicinal product according to § 60 AMG or §§ 4 and 92 TAMG
15 ml solution (containing alcohol) for administration via drinking water or feed
Ingredients: The following homeopathic active ingredients are included:Artemisia cina C 30Cuprum metallicum C 30Spigelia anthelmia C 30
Breeders in particular who keep their birds in outdoor aviaries often have to deal with worm infestations in their bird population. The worms can be brought in by newly imported birds, ingested with the feed or introduced by birds living in the wild.
introduced by birds living in the wild.
Ornamental birds become infected via the worm eggs in the faeces of already infested birds. The worm eggs remain infectious in the faeces for 1 - 2 weeks.
SC 90 gives the bird owner the opportunity to take preventative action. Young birds should be treated for 3 - 4 months, adult birds should be treated 2 to 3 times a year for a fortnight.